When my parents were alive, I flew often from SFO to San Diego to visit them. I’d rent a car at the San Diego airport and nine times out of ten, when I turned on the radio, it was tuned to a Christian station that played what my kids call “Jesus music.” I’m more of a pop/show tune gal myself, but over the years I developed an appreciation for the genre—especially as my parents got sick and were dying. The lyrics and tunes were uplifting and inspirational, a comfort.
Several summers ago, when my mother was already gone and shortly after my father died, I was back in San Diego to tie up loose ends. For a lot of reasons, at that time in my life, I was struggling. As usual, I had rented a car, and sure enough, the radio was tuned to the Christian station. One night I was driving around and the DJ announced he was playing a new release by a singer/songwriter named Lauren Daigle. The title was “You Say,” and the chorus goes like this:
“You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don’t belong, oh You say I am Yours.”
It may sound crazy, but at that moment hearing Lauren Daigle sing those particular words moved me in a way I don’t remember ever being moved by a song. I started crying so hard I had to pull into a parking lot until I was able to stop.
A few months later, in February 2019, Lauren Daigle won Grammy awards for the “You Say” single and her album “Look Up Child.” This past week, she performed for one night only at the Golden One Center in Sacramento. I talked Olivia into going with me. We both loved it. #laurendaigle #goldenonesacramento