My son Mateo is on the radio! His short 2-minute essay, Meeting My Birth Mother, aired today on KQED-FM Perspectives.
Mateo wrote the piece as an assignment for his Language and Composition class. His teacher, Mr. Hettleman, submitted the Perspectives of several students to KQED and Mateo’s was one of two that were chosen. Thank you to Mr. Hettleman and all Mateo’s teachers for encouraging our son.
Here are the first two paragraphs of Mateo’s Perspective. You can listen to it here.
Hand-in-hand my mom and I walk along the colorful cobblestone streets of Antigua, Guatemala. I am 7 years old and we are on our way to meet my mother— the mother I haven’t seen in almost seven years. As church bells chime, we hurry towards the bus terminal.
My mom— my adoptive American mom— hired a searcher to find my Guatemalan birth mother. Today is the day I meet her.