morning walk
Morning walk with pups, pelicans, and egret.
I miss those summer days when my parents were alive and the kids were little and De and her family would meet us in San Diego and we didn’t do much except laugh and eat and spend time together.
August is the month I was born and I’m grateful for the birthday love!
I keep a journal and every year write some variation of “I can’t believe how old I am!!!” and “What am I doing with my one precious life???”
This year is no different, trying to seize every moment, every day a gift.
A bumper crop of Santa Rosa plums calls for many jars of jam and this Plum Cake.
The bounty of our Earth will never stop amazing me.
An afternoon with Mateo at SF’s DeYoung Museum to see the Irving Penn and Fashioning San Francisco exhibitions—both excellent. And dinner al fresco with longtime friends. Hello summer!