On Instagram

I’m not on Instagram (although I know I should be), and a friend forwarded me this review of my novel, Mother Mother. As a writer and as a person, it feels great to be “understood,” when someone else grasps our intention. Get Lit Book Club does.
From the review:
In “Mother Mother,” Jessica O’Dwyer explores international adoption, looking at how racism, privilege, and judgement are structurally inherent. With O’Dwyer’s personal journey of adopting from Guatemala, I expected something a little sappy, something a little white savior-y, but was pleasantly surprised… What I liked the most was that I learned a ton about the Guatemalan civil war, which I had never heard of before. It’s being released on October 1st, check it out! —Get Lit Book Club, @getlitbookclub
Mother Mother is available now on Amazon, Indie Bound, Book Shop, and Barnes and Noble. xoxo