I’m always excited when the subject of adoption is featured in a movie, documentary or book. And that includes Found, a new documentary about three teenagers adopted from China who discover they’re cousins through DNA testing. Chloe, Sadie and Lily travel together to China in search of their roots and the film follows their journey. The documentary is available now on Netflix. I watched the trailer and it looks amazing!
A review is below, along with a link to the trailer.
Mateo and I will watch tonight and I’ll let you know our impressions. As a side note: Watching films about adoption with our kids opens the door to conversations/questions/ opinions about adoption. I know you know this!
I’ll never forget one summer Mateo and I were in Antigua, Guatemala–I can’t remember where Olivia was???–and we sat with my laptop in the kitchen of our rental apartment and watched Finding Oscar, a documentary about a survivor of the Dos Erres massacre during the Guatemalan civil war. Watching together in that small confined space, in the country where the action took place, was so powerful. Mateo loves history, anyway, and the film really sparked his interest in the Guatemalan conflict in a way nothing else had before.
So two films worth watching: Found and Finding Oscar.