My book launches tomorrow. A surreal feeling after 7 years (!), and also a feeling like this: “Mother Mother is out in the world. I needed to tell this story and I told it.”
Some early readers have posted reviews on Goodreads, for which I am tremendously grateful. Here’s an excerpt from one I read today:
“This was a spellbinding story. I loved and hated the characters at different intervals. Written with so many complex emotions, this is not an easy read, and it’s not one of those fluffy ‘feel good’ reads either… Honestly, I finished this book weeks ago and have been trying to come to terms with how I feel about it. It’s gorgeous and I highly recommend it, but it can hardly be considered a light or fast read.”
Thank you to everyone who has posted/will post a review on Goodreads, Amazon, and anywhere else. Reviews are very helpful to writers.