
Happy 21 to our cherished Olivia, from the beginning, fiercely and uniquely herself. We love you forever and always! xoxo

Happy 21 to our cherished Olivia, from the beginning, fiercely and uniquely herself. We love you forever and always! xoxo
I’m very lucky because for me Tim’s siblings and their spouses and kids truly are family. We’re all far-flung, and for years have met up at family weddings. But this time, Christine and Steve visited just because, and it was wonderful. (Above, Tim’s sister Christine, her husband Steve, and Tim.)
Hikes around Angel Island and up Ring Mountain, expert grilling, gorgeous salads, high-stakes Qwirkle, and, a huge bonus, many long-delayed household repairs. Tim called it the “most productive vacation in history.” (Christine and Steve may need a vacation from this vacation.) I’m so grateful. Family is everything.
Dinner on the deck. Steve started grilling brisket in early AM. The flavor!
Who knew a repaired retaining wall could make me so happy?
High top table, newly painted blue. Small things make me happy.
Eleven years ago today. Us at the Golden Gate Bridge. Sometimes, I miss those simpler days.
Grateful for this happy memory.
Last weekend at the Walnut Creek Library – Contra Costa County Author’s Gala. Honored to be invited: One of the thrills of my life is knowing my memoir and novel are available through public libraries. A beautiful event where I met Isidra Mencos, originally from Barcelona, who wrote a memoir I can’t wait to read: about growing up under Franco in Spain and then the new freedom of democracy, which led to her becoming a salsa dancer among other things, including earning a PhD from UC Berkeley. The title is “Promenade of Desire.”
Isidra and I bonded over our love of dance and the realization we both studied with Joyce Maynard, who generously blurbed our books. A memorable evening!
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