23 years now and still true:

My first marriage in my 20s lasted five minutes and ended when my then husband left me for his coworker. Soon after, I went through early menopause which meant my body stopped producing eggs and I’d never be able to create a baby.
Over the next 14 years, I moved from NYC to California and worked at five different jobs. My handful of relationships never panned out. Although none of my beaux revealed exactly why, I had my theories. I was too much of everything: too dramatic, too sensitive, too crazy intense.
I manifested Tim before manifesting was a thing. Back then, we called it envisioning. I envisioned a man who was kind and funny and smart. Smart enough not to be scared off by a woman too dramatic, sensitive, and crazy intense. A woman who couldn’t have children and wanted to adopt.
Today Tim and I celebrate 20 years of marriage. And I’ll tell you, despite my carefully curated Facebook persona, over those years–like everyone–we’ve faced challenges, as a couple and a family. If Tim is my rock, I may be his tidal wave. Yet somehow, we balance each other. We hold on and never let go.
Happy anniversary to the love of my life, my soul mate. Here’s to another 20!