I watched the new Netflix documentary Found with my 16-year-old son Mateo. Found tells the story of three teenagers adopted from China as babies who discover they’re cousins through DNA testing. Chloe, Sadie and Lily travel together to China in search of their roots and the film follows their journey.
Watching the film was an emotional experience on so many levels, for both of us. Adoption, relinquishment, grief, identity, belonging. The relationship among the girls and between the girls and their families was beautiful. And then when the action moved to China, a whole new flood of feelings emerged.
I should add that we talk about adoption a lot in my family, so Mateo was prepared for the intensity of this documentary. But I can see where the depth of exploration might be difficult or triggering for some. You might want to view the film first before sharing with children–in fact, I recommend this if there’s any hesitation.
Otherwise, I wish everyone touched by adoption could see this moving, layered and important documentary.
Found trailer.